The font used is bold and of a large text which takes up the top of the page to catch the reader’s attention and make it stand out more .The size of the text is roughly seventy two obviously to make it stand out more.
The colours used are black white and red which are very common amongst this Goth culture.
The photos used are Small pictures of famous singers and musicians like snapshots of the best around at the time will be featured in the magazine so people are more inclined to read the magazine as it is about popular music at the time. The style of pictures consists of black and white backgrounds and one with a table and window.
The stars featured on the front cover feature Billy Joel idol, Gwen Stefani and the others I do not know as I am not the target audience.
The pictures are disorganised to possibly create a messy look.
Your eye is lead to all the different pictures as they are all scattered around the front cover so you are constantly looking at the different pictures and the title is at the very top so it is still visible.
The cover relates to the rest of the magazine in terms of content we can see this from the pictures shown on the front cover as its represents rock/Goth culture because the men in the picture all look depressing and are not smiling further more the pictures are very dull and not vibrant because this would not reflect the mood they are trying to create.
The title denotes It was about a man called kerrmot largbrest who went on an adventure to the USA who was a great fan of classical musical such beethoven, Mozart and nobinovsky.He suffered from a very rare disease called 'transvestical-malicitis' It was said he went to see a rock concert in new jersey and as soon as he heard the bone crunching guitar riffs and loud and dark lyrics he instantly changed sex. He was then known as Angie largbrest. Creating the KERRANG. Kermot - mot and Angie - i.e. = KERR-ANG.