For my mast head i took inspiration from Q magazine as i have used the same red and white colours for my mine, i chose to use a red and white colour scheme because the colours work well together and they stand out as the background is very dark, i made the font bold and put in it capitals to make it big, i also put the official magazine below it in a smaller text to make the front cover look more professional and make my front cover look overall better.
Cover Line:
In comparison both are magazine titles are written in big bold fonts, except for mine i have used two colours white for the text and a red glow around it to make it stand out even more, it is very important to have a good cover line because if it small or lacks colour it will fail to catch the readers attention.
Double Page Spread Layout:
For my double page spread i followed the layout of most other magazines as i have used big a picture similar to double page spread below i have also divded the text into collums to it easier for the reader to follow and it looks nicer then if the text is scattered everwhere, i have also highlighted the titles at beggining in red to make them stand out as they are the heading of each separate piece of text, i also put the quote from the artist in brackets and put in in italics so you know they are speaking.
In terms of colours i used two colours for the whole of my magazine except for the free poster which i used yellow as it seprates itself from the other colours and makes it stand out more, red and white were to two colours i chose to use similar to Q magazine i decided these worked best for my magazine as they worked well with my background and the style of my magazine being rock/alternative music, most magazines tend to two or three colours throug out their magazines as they work well together but use too many and it becomes a mess and does not look good.
Layout of contents page:
For my contents page i choose to compare mine to this contents page from Mojo magazine, they are both the same in that they have one picture, most contents pages uses more then one photo but i though this was not necessary as main point of focus for magazine was one particular band, the page layout is identical to mine as we have both put the text in collums and most of the page is taken up by the picture itself.